勇於「變革創新」 無懼「世局改變」

70年前,台灣從以進口替代的農業社會,轉型為出口擴張的輕工業時期,再走向重工業、科技工業與知識型產業,進而建立台灣製造工業強大的競爭力;而隨著工業發展帶來的經濟成長,台灣內需市場也蓬勃發展,服務業快速成長茁壯,加計商品貿易與服務貿易,台灣進出口貿易量激增,至 2016年,我國進出口值全球排名分居第 18名,成為世界主要貿易國家。

創立於 1947年的台北市進出口商業同業公會, 70年來一直秉持著「扮演台灣經濟成長推手」的理念,依循全球經貿環境轉變與台灣產業的轉型升級,提供貿易業者各種創新服務。尤其近十年來,有鑒於台商面臨全球區域經濟整合、中國大陸紅色供應鏈崛起、全球產業鏈移轉的多重挑戰,公會更自許為「貿易商邁向轉型升級的最佳夥伴」,於會務推動上進行許多創新,協助台商迎向新時代。

不論是自 2009年就開始發表的《IEAT調查報告》;或是 2016年建立公會的第一個英文網站,加強與世界接軌,締結更多的姊妹會;或是協助台灣企業領導者開啟創新經營思維的「國貿經營策略管理將帥班」(ITBS CEO);以及迎合跨境電商大趨勢打造的「17Cross - 跨境電商生態村」,在在顯示出公會已經從單一協助台商海外拓銷的公會,轉變為「平台」角色,具備整合各方資源的創新能量,以提供台商更多符合激烈競爭時局的多元服務。

展望下一個十年,時代巨輪仍正以前所未見的驚人速度,持續往前滾動,面對迎面而來的世界趨勢改變,公會自 70週年慶伊始,將更用心服務在地、連接國際,推動更多具前瞻性的改革,攜手追求創新與改革,為台灣邁向下一輪經濟盛世,創造源源不絕的動能。

理事長  黃呈琮

Dare to “reform and innovate”, Fear no “macro environment change”

Seventy years ago, Taiwan began transforming from an agricultural society featuring import substitution through the light industrial period characterized by export expansion and then to the development of heavy industries, high-tech industries, and knowledge-based industries, building up powerful competitiveness among its domestic manufacturing industries. The economic growth brought by industrial development drove the development of the domestic market and boosted the growth of the service industries. Combining commodity trade and service trade , Taiwan's import-export trade escalated and was ranked the world's 18th in export and import value in 2016.

Founded in 1947, the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei (IEAT) has been upholding the mission of “promoting Taiwan’s economic growth” over the past seven decades to offer various innovative services for traders in pace with the global macro environment changes and Taiwan’s industrial transformation and upgrading. Over the past decade, in particular, in view of the multiple challenges to Taiwanese business owners from regional economic integration across the world, the rise of the “red supply chain” in China, and the global industrial chain shift, IEAT has assumed its role as “the best partner of transformation and upgrading for traders” and made comprehensive innovations in IEAT business promotion, aiming to help Taiwanese business owners enter the new era.

From the Survey on Global Trade Environments and Growth Potential in Key and Emerging Markets Report published since 2009, the launch of IEAT’s first English website in 2016 to connect with the world and team up with more sister associations, the “ITBS CEO” program for inspiring Taiwanese business leaders to innovate operational thinking, or the “17Cross cross-boundary e-commerce village” dealing with the trend of cross-boundary e-commerce, all these have witnessed IEAT’s transformation from an association assisting Taiwanese business owners with overseas expansion into a “platform” with innovation energy for integrating resources from different parts of society to provide Taiwanese business owners with more multidimensional services in pace with the competition of our time.

Looking out to the next decade, the wheel of time is rolling forward at an unprecedented speed. In order to cope with the changes of global trends ahead, IEAT will reinforce services for local business owners and connections with the world to promote more forward-looking reforms as of the 70th anniversary, to create resourceful momentum for the next economic golden era of Taiwan.

Chairman  John C.T. Huang





欣悉台北市進出口商業同業公會迎接創立七十週年,茲奉上誠摯的祝賀。實為黃理事長以及幹部同仁各位投入的成果,對各位的長年以來的努力甚表敬佩。 同時,在此值得紀念的時刻,札幌商工會議所能與貴會簽訂合作協議,令人更加欣喜萬分。期盼透過本協議,各自善用在地資源,更能強化經貿交流關係,並對區域的會員中小企業成長有所貢獻。 近幾年到訪北海道的台灣觀光客數持續成長,根據最新統計,較十年前增加兩倍,每年約55萬人次來訪,刷新歷史新高。相信許多民眾享受北海道的大自然、溫泉、美食。此外,據說在台灣北海道品牌食品的安全、可靠,獲得頗高評價大受歡迎。 相對的,北海道造訪台灣的旅客甚少,台灣產品在北海道市場尚無起色。為突破目前單方面的關係,打造相互均衡交流的發展,札幌商工會議所將率先投入宣揚台灣魅力的角色。 今後,日台關係日趨密切,盼能維持在亞洲中極佳夥伴的良好關係。北海道與台灣的緣份愈來愈深,可望擴大觀光、商務方面的深厚交流。 最後,深盼台灣與北海道的友善關係發展開創美好前景,並致上我們最大的祝福。











